Monday, 1 February 2016

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience that my film is aimed at a young demographic. The age of the target audience would be teenagers 16 - 25 year olds. The reason for this age range is because my film is a boxing film so it is got scenes of fighting and violence, so this would appeal to this age range because 16 is when they start to become more independent and experience more of the real life. Also I didn’t want to have younger viewers watching these scenes as it can influence them in the wrong way and could cause them to follow a negative path of crime or fighting and violence. 


The Gender that I am trying to target would have to be mainly males just because boxing is represented as a very physical sport which is stereotypically perceived as a man’s sport. On the other hand women do follow and participate in boxing which does disprove the stereotypical views that it is too physical for women and proves that there is no clear dominate sex.


They will also have to have an interest in this type of fighting/ martial art based sports and also the competitive fighting way, as the target demographic would find it much easier to get into the film and enjoy it. The people that would probably enjoy it and want to watch it the most are actual boxing participants or again people who follow it will a passion and interest. They should have a very confident and power driven personality because these are key characteristics that boxers and athletes have. One of the main reasons why I say these are the interests they must have is because it will allow them to understand and maybe relate to the characters and be inspired by the story.


Social demographic for my film can range from A-E which I know is a very vast span because it can all depend on the storyline and the quality of the fight scenes. Because of the setting of the opening sequence and the storyline to follow this is where the large span of social demographic comes into play. The film opening sequences is about a low club boxer fighting in a gritty run down boxing gym; this is where the lower classes come into the social demographic range. He get knocked out in this and looses the fight so the storyline is how he turns his life and his boxing career around and gets to the championships in a world class ring. The championship match is where I’d assume the higher class would watch because it’s a typical box office hyped up fight, broadcasting internationally. Our main aim is for the social demographic would be C1 – D but that’s just because they are the more relatable class. The occupation of the C1 – D would be supervisors to unskilled manual workers which is a massive gap, not massive income workers mainly. 

[Focus Group]

We carried out a focus group and Interview as seen on my blog, to find out more about our target audience and what our target audience liked about our opening sequence, and the things we could have changed.

From Blumler & Katz's Uses & Gratifications Theory the function of 'escape' , 'identification' and 'entertainment'  is present in my film opening sequence. The reason for the first function 'escape' functions are because it is a boxing film this can act as a form of 'escape' for people who like boxing or use it as a way to relax. More often then not people can relate to situations within a film whether it is being in a fight, being bullied or even any family issues. Identification is also present within my film as Charlie is a boxer and he wants help to define himself as a person; to find some form of identity and meaning for his life. Lastly for the the Uses & Gratifications theory entertainment is provided from my film, this is connoted through the intense and intriguing opening sequence. For example when Charlie gets knocked out it is filmed in slow motion to gain a more intense effect denoting that Charlie stereotypical underdog.

Another theory that this linked is Young and Rubicam’s audience classifications system. This is an advertising agency which suggests that audiences can all be classified by their different personalities and behaviors. The category that applies to my film would be a succeeded as they will enjoy to be in control which is similar to the conventional boxing character.

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